
As I sit here in my office on this morning, I realize the Christmas season as rapidly coming to an end. It’s the 15th of December, close your eyes for a second……boom it’s December 26th and people would have already started taking decorations off the tree and thrown the tree away which I truly despise. Pet peeve of mine. Christmas has honestly never been “a thing” for me. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Christmas season. People actually try to make a conscience effort to be nice to one another by doing good deeds, taking care of a needy family, etc. Doesn’t last long. The next day we will flipping off someone for “swervin ‘ in my lane”. I have tried to be better this year. Actually have been listening to Christmas music for almost a week. By the way, The Mavericks have a great Christmas album they released last year. I digress.

I was raised Methodist and later became an Episcopalian for 20 something years so the seasons of the church were a big deal. This is the Advent season, Advent is the period of four Sundays and weeks before Christmas (or sometimes from the 1st December to Christmas Day!). Advent means ‘Coming’ in Latin. This is the coming of Jesus into the world. Christians use the four Sundays and weeks of Advent to prepare and remember the real meaning of Christmas. Candles are lit for every week of Advent and then the center candle is lit on Christmas signifying the arrival of the Christ child. Advent is preparation, anticipation, reflection of the coming of Christ. Christmas trees are decorated Christmas Eve and 12 days later it is taken down. Thus the 12 days of Christmas. We don’t have the Advent candle in our home but I have been reading and really attempting to get into what Christmas is truly about. The whole reason for Christmas truly is Jesus Christ. CHRISTMAS. It’s in the name. Except for December 28 when we air our grievances during Fetivious. Again I digress.

If you aren’t familiar with Advent, read up. Advent as well as the other church seasons are a pretty cool if you are into this sort of thing. Easter especially.

May everyone truly have a blessed Christmas and enjoy your time with family and friends.

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